Source code for flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra

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#        Copyright (C) 2017-2020 W. Patrick Hooper
#                      2017-2020 Vincent Delecroix
#                           2023 Julian Rüth
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from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberField
from sage.rings.qqbar import AA, number_field_elements_from_algebraics
from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
from sage.functions.other import sqrt

from flatsurf.geometry.straight_line_trajectory import (
from flatsurf.geometry.tangent_bundle import SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector

[docs] class ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap(SageObject): r""" A map sending objects defined on a ConeSurface built from a polyhedron to the polyhedron. Currently, this works to send a trajectory to a list of points. This class should not be called directly. You get an object of this type from polyhedron_to_cone_surface. """ def __init__(self, cone_surface, polyhedron, mapping_data): self._s = cone_surface self._p = polyhedron self._md = mapping_data def __call__(self, o): r""" This method is used to convert from an object on the cone surface to an object on the polyhedron. Currently works with - StraightLineTrajectory -- returns the corresponding list of points on the polyhedron - SegmentInPolygon -- returns the corresponding pair of points on the polyhedron - SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector -- returns a pair of points corresponding to the image point and image of the tangent vector. """ if isinstance(o, StraightLineTrajectory): points = [] it = iter(o.segments()) s = next(it) label = s.polygon_label() points.append(self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * s.start().point()) points.append(self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * s.end().point()) for s in it: label = s.polygon_label() points.append(self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * s.end().point()) return points if isinstance(o, SegmentInPolygon): # Return the pair of images of the endpoints. label = o.polygon_label() return ( self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * o.start().point(), self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * o.end().point(), ) if isinstance(o, SimilaritySurfaceTangentVector): # Map to a pair of vectors conisting of the image of the basepoint and the image of the vector. label = o.polygon_label() point = o.point() vector = o.vector() return ( self._md[label][0] + self._md[label][1] * point, self._md[label][1] * vector, ) raise ValueError("Failed to recognize type of passed object") def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this map is indistinguishable from ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import Polyhedron, polyhedron_to_cone_surface sage: vertices=[] sage: for i in range(3): ....: temp=vector([1 if k==i else 0 for k in range(3)]) ....: for j in range(-1,3,2): ....: vertices.append(j*temp) sage: octahedron=Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) sage: surface, surface_to_octahedron = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(octahedron,scaling_factor=AA(1/sqrt(2))) # long time (.5s) sage: surface_to_octahedron == surface_to_octahedron # long time (see above) True """ if not isinstance(other, ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap): return False return self._s == other._s and self._p == other._p and self._md == other._md def __ne__(self, other): r""" Return whether this map is distinguishable from ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import Polyhedron, polyhedron_to_cone_surface sage: vertices=[] sage: for i in range(3): ....: temp=vector([1 if k==i else 0 for k in range(3)]) ....: for j in range(-1,3,2): ....: vertices.append(j*temp) sage: octahedron=Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) sage: surface, surface_to_octahedron = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(octahedron,scaling_factor=AA(1/sqrt(2))) # long time (.3s) sage: surface_to_octahedron != surface_to_octahedron # long time (see above) False """ return not (self == other)
[docs] def polyhedron_to_cone_surface(polyhedron, use_AA=False, scaling_factor=ZZ(1)): r""" Construct the Euclidean Cone Surface associated to the surface of a polyhedron and a map from the cone surface to the polyhedron. INPUT: - ``polyhedron`` -- A 3-dimensional polyhedron, which should be defined over something that coerces into AA - ``use_AA`` -- If True, the surface returned will be defined over AA. If false, the algorithm will find the smallest NumberField and write the field there. - ``scaling_factor`` -- The surface returned will have a metric scaled by multiplication by this factor (compared with the original polyhendron). This can be used to produce a surface defined over a smaller NumberField. OUTPUT: A pair consisting of a ConeSurface and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import Polyhedron, polyhedron_to_cone_surface sage: vertices=[] sage: for i in range(3): ....: temp=vector([1 if k==i else 0 for k in range(3)]) ....: for j in range(-1,3,2): ....: vertices.append(j*temp) sage: octahedron=Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) sage: surface,surface_to_octahedron = \ ....: polyhedron_to_cone_surface(octahedron,scaling_factor=AA(1/sqrt(2))) sage: TestSuite(surface).run() sage: TestSuite(surface_to_octahedron).run() # long time (.4s) sage: len(surface.polygons()) 8 sage: surface.base_ring() Number Field in a with defining polynomial y^2 - 3 with a = 1.732050807568878? sage: sqrt3=surface.base_ring().gen() sage: tangent_bundle=surface.tangent_bundle() sage: v=tangent_bundle(0,(0,0),(sqrt3,2)) sage: traj=v.straight_line_trajectory() sage: traj.flow(10) sage: traj.is_saddle_connection() True sage: traj.combinatorial_length() 8 sage: path3d = surface_to_octahedron(traj) sage: len(path3d) 9 sage: # We will show that the length of the path is sqrt(42): sage: total_length = 0 sage: for i in range(8): ....: start = path3d[i] ....: end = path3d[i+1] ....: total_length += (vector(end)-vector(start)).norm() sage: ZZ(total_length**2) 42 """ if polyhedron.dim() != 3: raise ValueError c = vertices = polyhedron.vertices() vertex_order = {} for i, v in enumerate(vertices): vertex_order[v] = i faces = polyhedron.faces(2) face_order = {} face_edges = [] face_vertices = [] face_map_data = [] for i, f in enumerate(faces): face_order[f] = i edges = f.as_polyhedron().faces(1) face_edges_temp = set() for edge in edges: edge_temp = set() for vertex in edge.vertices(): v = vertex.vector() v.set_immutable() edge_temp.add(v) face_edges_temp.add(frozenset(edge_temp)) last_edge = next(iter(face_edges_temp)) v = next(iter(last_edge)) face_vertices_temp = [v] for j in range(len(face_edges_temp) - 1): for edge in face_edges_temp: if v in edge and edge != last_edge: # bingo last_edge = edge for vv in edge: if vv != v: v = vv face_vertices_temp.append(vv) break break v0 = face_vertices_temp[0] v1 = face_vertices_temp[1] v2 = face_vertices_temp[2] n = (v1 - v0).cross_product(v2 - v0) if (v0 - c).dot_product(n) < 0: n = -n face_vertices_temp.reverse() v0 = face_vertices_temp[0] v1 = face_vertices_temp[1] v2 = face_vertices_temp[2] face_vertices.append(face_vertices_temp) n = n / AA(n.norm()) w = v1 - v0 w = w / AA(w.norm()) m = 1 / scaling_factor * matrix(AA, [w, n.cross_product(w), n]).transpose() mi = ~m mi_submatrix = mi.submatrix(0, 0, 2, 3) face_map_data.append( ( v0, # translation to bring origin in plane to v0 m.submatrix(0, 0, 3, 2), -mi_submatrix * v0, mi_submatrix, ) ) it = iter(face_vertices_temp) v_last = next(it) face_edge_dict = {} j = 0 for v in it: edge = frozenset([v_last, v]) face_edge_dict[edge] = j j += 1 v_last = v v = next(iter(face_vertices_temp)) edge = frozenset([v_last, v]) face_edge_dict[edge] = j face_edges.append(face_edge_dict) gluings = {} for p1, face_edge_dict1 in enumerate(face_edges): for edge, e1 in face_edge_dict1.items(): found = False for p2, face_edge_dict2 in enumerate(face_edges): if p1 != p2 and edge in face_edge_dict2: e2 = face_edge_dict2[edge] gluings[(p1, e1)] = (p2, e2) found = True break if not found: print(p1) print(e1) print(edge) raise RuntimeError("Failed to find glued edge") polygon_vertices_AA = [] for p, vs in enumerate(face_vertices): trans = face_map_data[p][2] m = face_map_data[p][3] polygon_vertices_AA.append([trans + m * v for v in vs]) from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface if use_AA is True: from flatsurf import Polygon S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(AA) for vs in polygon_vertices_AA: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=vs, base_ring=AA)) for x, y in gluings.items(): S.glue(x, y) S.set_immutable() return S, ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap(S, polyhedron, face_map_data) else: elts = [] for vs in polygon_vertices_AA: for v in vs: elts.append(v[0]) elts.append(v[1]) # Find the best number field: field, elts2, hom = number_field_elements_from_algebraics(elts, minimal=True) if field == QQ: # Defined over the rationals! polygon_vertices_field2 = [] j = 0 for vs in polygon_vertices_AA: vs2 = [] for v in vs: vs2.append(vector(field, [elts2[j], elts2[j + 1]])) j = j + 2 polygon_vertices_field2.append(vs2) S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(field) from flatsurf import Polygon for vs in polygon_vertices_field2: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=vs, base_ring=field)) for x, y in gluings.items(): S.glue(x, y) S.set_immutable() return S, ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap(S, polyhedron, face_map_data) else: # Unfortunately field doesn't come with an real embedding (which is given by hom!) # So, we make a copy of the field, and add the embedding. field2 = NumberField( field.polynomial(), name="a", embedding=hom(field.gen()) ) # The following converts from field to field2: hom2 = field.hom(im_gens=[field2.gen()]) polygon_vertices_field2 = [] j = 0 for vs in polygon_vertices_AA: vs2 = [] for v in vs: vs2.append(vector(field2, [hom2(elts2[j]), hom2(elts2[j + 1])])) j = j + 2 polygon_vertices_field2.append(vs2) S = MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(field2) from flatsurf import Polygon for vs in polygon_vertices_field2: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=vs, base_ring=field2)) for x, y in gluings.items(): S.glue(x, y) S.set_immutable() return S, ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap(S, polyhedron, face_map_data)
[docs] def platonic_tetrahedron(): r"""Produce a triple consisting of a polyhedral version of the platonic tetrahedron, the associated cone surface, and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap from the surface to the polyhedron. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import platonic_tetrahedron sage: polyhedron,surface,surface_to_polyhedron = platonic_tetrahedron() sage: TestSuite(surface).run() """ vertices = [] for x in range(-1, 3, 2): for y in range(-1, 3, 2): vertices.append(vector(QQ, (x, y, x * y))) p = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) s, m = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(p, scaling_factor=AA(1 / sqrt(2))) return p, s, m
[docs] def platonic_cube(): r"""Produce a triple consisting of a polyhedral version of the platonic cube, the associated cone surface, and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap from the surface to the polyhedron. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import platonic_cube sage: polyhedron,surface,surface_to_polyhedron = platonic_cube() sage: TestSuite(surface).run() """ vertices = [] for x in range(-1, 3, 2): for y in range(-1, 3, 2): for z in range(-1, 3, 2): vertices.append(vector(QQ, (x, y, z))) p = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) s, m = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(p, scaling_factor=QQ(1) / 2) return p, s, m
[docs] def platonic_octahedron(): r"""Produce a triple consisting of a polyhedral version of the platonic octahedron, the associated cone surface, and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap from the surface to the polyhedron. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import platonic_octahedron sage: polyhedron,surface,surface_to_polyhedron = platonic_octahedron() # long time (.3s) sage: TestSuite(surface).run() # long time (see above) """ vertices = [] for i in range(3): temp = vector(QQ, [1 if k == i else 0 for k in range(3)]) for j in range(-1, 3, 2): vertices.append(j * temp) octahedron = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) surface, surface_to_octahedron = polyhedron_to_cone_surface( octahedron, scaling_factor=AA(sqrt(2)) ) return octahedron, surface, surface_to_octahedron
[docs] def platonic_dodecahedron(): r"""Produce a triple consisting of a polyhedral version of the platonic dodecahedron, the associated cone surface, and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap from the surface to the polyhedron. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import platonic_dodecahedron sage: polyhedron, surface, surface_to_polyhedron = platonic_dodecahedron() # long time (1s) sage: TestSuite(surface).run() # long time (.8s) """ vertices = [] phi = AA(1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 F = NumberField(phi.minpoly(), "phi", embedding=phi) phi = F.gen() for x in range(-1, 3, 2): for y in range(-1, 3, 2): for z in range(-1, 3, 2): vertices.append(vector(F, (x, y, z))) for x in range(-1, 3, 2): for y in range(-1, 3, 2): vertices.append(vector(F, (0, x * phi, y / phi))) vertices.append(vector(F, (y / phi, 0, x * phi))) vertices.append(vector(F, (x * phi, y / phi, 0))) scale = AA(2 / sqrt(1 + (phi - 1) ** 2 + (1 / phi - 1) ** 2)) p = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) s, m = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(p, scaling_factor=scale) return p, s, m
[docs] def platonic_icosahedron(): r"""Produce a triple consisting of a polyhedral version of the platonic icosahedron, the associated cone surface, and a ConeSurfaceToPolyhedronMap from the surface to the polyhedron. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polyhedra import platonic_icosahedron sage: polyhedron,surface,surface_to_polyhedron = platonic_icosahedron() # long time (.9s) sage: TestSuite(surface).run() # long time (see above) """ vertices = [] phi = AA(1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 F = NumberField(phi.minpoly(), "phi", embedding=phi) phi = F.gen() for i in range(3): for s1 in range(-1, 3, 2): for s2 in range(-1, 3, 2): p = 3 * [None] p[i] = s1 * phi p[(i + 1) % 3] = s2 p[(i + 2) % 3] = 0 vertices.append(vector(F, p)) p = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices) s, m = polyhedron_to_cone_surface(p) return p, s, m