Source code for flatsurf.geometry.categories.polygons

The category of polyogons

This module provides shared functionality for all polygons in sage-flatsurf.

See :mod:`flatsurf.geometry.categories` for a general description of the
category framework in sage-flatsurf.

Normally, you won't create this (or any other) category directly. The correct
category of a polygon is automatically determined.


    sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons
    sage: C = Polygons(QQ)

    sage: from flatsurf import polygons
    sage: polygons.square() in C

# ****************************************************************************
#  This file is part of sage-flatsurf.
#        Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Vincent Delecroix
#                      2020-2023 Julian Rüth
#  sage-flatsurf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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#  sage-flatsurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method
from sage.categories.category_types import Category_over_base_ring
from sage.categories.category_with_axiom import (
from sage.misc.abstract_method import abstract_method

from sage.categories.all import Sets

[docs] class Polygons(Category_over_base_ring): r""" The category of polygons defined over a base ring. This comprises arbitrary base ring, e.g., this category contains Euclidean polygons and hyperbolic polygons. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: Polygons(QQ) Category of polygons over Rational Field """
[docs] def super_categories(self): r""" Return the categories polygons automatically belong to. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: C = Polygons(QQ) sage: C.super_categories() [Category of sets] """ return [Sets()]
@staticmethod def _describe_polygon(num_edges, **kwargs): r""" Return a printable description of a polygon with ``num_edges`` edges and additional features encoded as keyword arguments. The returned strings form a triple (indeterminate article, singular, plural). Usually, you don't call this method directly, but :meth:`Polygons.ParentMethods.describe_polygon`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: Polygons._describe_polygon(3) ('a', 'triangle', 'triangles') sage: Polygons._describe_polygon(3, equiangular=True, equilateral=True) ('an', 'equilateral triangle', 'equilateral triangles') sage: Polygons._describe_polygon(9, equiangular=True, equilateral=True) ('a', 'regular nonagon', 'regular nonagons') sage: Polygons._describe_polygon(4, equiangular=False, equilateral=True) ('a', 'rhombus', 'rhombi') """ from sage.all import infinity # From ngon_names = { 1: ("a", "monogon"), 2: ("a", "digon"), 3: ("a", "triangle"), 4: ("a", "quadrilateral"), 5: ("a", "pentagon"), 6: ("a", "hexagon"), 7: ("a", "heptagon"), 8: ("an", "octagon"), 9: ("a", "nonagon"), 10: ("a", "decagon"), 11: ("a", "hendecagon"), 12: ("a", "dodecagon"), 13: ("a", "tridecagon"), 14: ("a", "tetradecagon"), 15: ("a", "pentadecagon"), 16: ("a", "hexadecagon"), 17: ("a", "heptadecagon"), 18: ("an", "octadecagon"), 19: ("an", "enneadecagon"), 20: ("an", "icosagon"), # Most people probably don't know the prefixes after that. We # keep a few easy/fun ones. 100: ("a", "hectogon"), 1000: ("a", "chiliagon"), 10000: ("a", "myriagon"), 1000000: ("a", "megagon"), infinity: ("an", "apeirogon"), } description = ngon_names.get(num_edges, f"{num_edges}-gon") description = description + (description[1] + "s",) def augment(article, *attributes): nonlocal description description = ( article, " ".join(attributes + (description[1],)), " ".join(attributes + (description[2],)), ) def augment_if(article, attribute, *properties): if all( kwargs.get(property, False) for property in (properties or [attribute]) ): augment(article, attribute) return True return False def augment_if_not(article, attribute, *properties): if all( kwargs.get(property, True) is False for property in (properties or [attribute]) ): augment(article, attribute) return True return False if augment_if("a", "degenerate"): return description if num_edges == 3: if not augment_if("an", "equilateral", "equiangular"): if not augment_if("an", "isosceles"): augment_if("a", "right") return description if num_edges == 4: if kwargs.get("equilateral", False) and kwargs.get("equiangular", False): return "a", "square", "squares" if kwargs.get("equiangular", False): return "a", "rectangle", "rectangles" if kwargs.get("equilateral", False): return "a", "rhombus", "rhombi" augment_if("a", "regular", "equilateral", "equiangular") augment_if_not("a", "non-convex", "convex") marked_vertices = kwargs.get("marked_vertices", 0) if marked_vertices: if marked_vertices == 1: suffix = "with a marked vertex" else: suffix = f"with {kwargs.get('marked_vertices')} marked vertices" description = ( description[0], f"{description[1]} {suffix}", f"{description[2]} {suffix}", ) return description
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all polygons. If you want to add functionality to all polygons, independent of implementation, you probably want to put it here. """
[docs] @abstract_method def change_ring(self, ring): r""" Return a copy of this polygon which is defined over ``ring``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: S = polygons.square() sage: K.<sqrt2> = NumberField(x^2 - 2, embedding=AA(2)**(1/2)) sage: S.change_ring(K) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]) """
[docs] @abstract_method def is_convex(self, strict=False): r""" Return whether this is a convex polygon. INPUT: - ``strict`` -- whether to check for strict convexity, i.e., a polygon with a π angle is not considered convex. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: S = polygons.square() sage: S.is_convex() True sage: S.is_convex(strict=True) True """
[docs] @abstract_method def is_degenerate(self): r""" Return whether this polygon is considered degenerate. EXAMPLES: Polygons with zero area are considered degenerate:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon sage: p = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 0)], check=False) sage: p.is_degenerate() True Polygons with marked vertices are considered degenerate:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon sage: p = Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0), (2, 2)]) sage: p.is_degenerate() True """
[docs] @abstract_method def is_simple(self): r""" Return whether this polygon is not self-intersecting. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: s = polygons.square() sage: s.is_simple() True """
[docs] def base_ring(self): r""" Return the ring over which this polygon is defined. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: S = polygons.square() sage: S.base_ring() Rational Field """ return self.category().base_ring()
[docs] def describe_polygon(self): r""" Return a textual description of this polygon for generating human-readable messages. The description is returned as a triple (indeterminate article, singular, plural). EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: s = polygons.square() sage: s.describe_polygon() ('a', 'square', 'squares') """ marked_vertices = set(self.vertices()).difference( self.vertices(marked_vertices=False) ) if marked_vertices and self.area() != 0: self = self.erase_marked_vertices() properties = { "degenerate": self.is_degenerate(), "equilateral": self.is_equilateral(), "equiangular": self.is_equiangular(), "convex": self.is_convex(), "marked_vertices": len(marked_vertices), } if len(self.vertices()) == 3: slopes = self.slopes(relative=True) properties["right"] = any(slope[0] == 0 for slope in slopes) from flatsurf.geometry.euclidean import is_parallel properties["isosceles"] = ( is_parallel(slopes[0], slopes[1]) or is_parallel(slopes[0], slopes[2]) or is_parallel(slopes[1], slopes[2]) ) return Polygons._describe_polygon(len(self.vertices()), **properties)
def _test_refined_category(self, **options): r""" Verify that the polygon is in the smallest category that can be easily determined. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: P = polygons.square() sage: P._test_refined_category() """ tester = self._tester(**options) if self.is_convex(): tester.assertTrue("Convex" in self.category().axioms()) if self.is_simple(): tester.assertTrue("Simple" in self.category().axioms())
# We do not test for Rational and WithAngles since these are only # determined on demand (computing angles can be very costly.)
[docs] class Convex(CategoryWithAxiom_over_base_ring): r""" The axiom satisfied by convex polygons. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: C = Polygons(QQ) sage: C.Convex() Category of convex polygons over Rational Field """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all convex polygons. If you want to add functionality to all such polygons, you probably want to put it here. """
[docs] def is_convex(self, strict=False): r""" Return whether this is a convex polygon, which it is. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: P = polygons.square() sage: P.is_convex() True """ if strict: raise NotImplementedError( "cannot decide strict convexity for this polygon yet" ) return True
[docs] class Simple(CategoryWithAxiom_over_base_ring): r""" The axiom satisfied by polygons that are not self-intersecting. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: C = Polygons(QQ) sage: C.Simple() Category of simple polygons over Rational Field """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all simple polygons. If you want to add functionality to all such polygons, you probably want to put it here. """
[docs] def is_simple(self): r""" Return whether this polygon is not self-intersecting, i.e., return ``True``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: s = polygons.square() sage: s.is_simple() True """ return True
[docs] class Rational(CategoryWithAxiom_over_base_ring): r""" The axiom satisfied by polygons whose inner angles are rational multiples of π. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: C = Polygons(QQ) sage: C.Rational() Category of rational polygons over Rational Field """
[docs] class ParentMethods: r""" Provides methods available to all rational polygons. If you want to add functionality to all such polygons, you probably want to put it here. """
[docs] def is_rational(self): r""" Return whether all inner angles of this polygon are rational multiples of π, i.e., return ``True``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: s = polygons.square() sage: s.is_rational() True """ return True
[docs] class SubcategoryMethods:
[docs] def Convex(self): r""" Return the subcategory of convex polygons. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: Polygons(QQ).Convex() Category of convex polygons over Rational Field """ return self._with_axiom("Convex")
[docs] def Simple(self): r""" Return the subcategyr of simple polygons. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: Polygons(QQ).Simple() Category of simple polygons over Rational Field """ return self._with_axiom("Simple")
[docs] def Rational(self): r""" Return the subcategory of polygons with rational angles. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: Polygons(QQ).Rational() Category of rational polygons over Rational Field """ return self._with_axiom("Rational")
[docs] def field(self): r""" Return the field over which these polygons are defined. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon sage: P = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(1,0),(2,1),(-1,1)]) sage: P.category().field() doctest:warning ... UserWarning: field() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; use base_ring() or base_ring().fraction_field() instead Rational Field """ import warnings warnings.warn( "field() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; use base_ring() or base_ring().fraction_field() instead" ) return self.base_ring().fraction_field()
[docs] @cached_method def base_ring(self): r""" Return the ring over which the polygons in this category are defined. sage: from flatsurf.geometry.categories import Polygons sage: C = Polygons(QQ).Rational().Simple().Convex() sage: C.base_ring() Rational Field """ # Copied this trick from SageMath's Modules category. for C in self.super_categories(): if hasattr(C, "base_ring"): return C.base_ring() assert False
def _test_base_ring(self, **options): tester = self._tester(**options) from sage.categories.all import Rings tester.assertTrue(self.base_ring() in Rings())
[docs] def change_ring(self, ring): r""" Return this category but defined over the ring ``ring``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons sage: s = polygons.square() sage: C = s.category() sage: C Category of convex simple euclidean rectangles over Rational Field sage: C.change_ring(AA) Category of convex simple euclidean rectangles over Algebraic Real Field """ from sage.categories.category import JoinCategory if isinstance(self, JoinCategory): from sage.categories.category import Category return Category.join( [S.change_ring(ring) for S in self.super_categories()] ) # This is a hack to make the change ring of EuclideanPolygonsWithAngles subcategories work if hasattr(self, "angles"): return type(self)(ring, self.angles()) if isinstance(self, Category_over_base_ring): return type(self)(ring) raise NotImplementedError("cannot change_ring() of this category yet")
# Currently, there is no "Convex" and "Simple" axiom in SageMath so we make it # known to the category framework. Note that "Rational" is already defined by # topological surfaces so we don't need to declare it here again. all_axioms += ( "Convex", "Simple", )